Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Amish Population

Amish community in States originally comes from Germany at the early XVIII century. 
Only a small community arrived in and settled around the country, mostly in Lancaster, Ohio and Utha. They were prosecuted and burned alive by the anabaptist Chuch in their land, so only a couple of families made their way out and arrived here around 1730s. Later on some other families came by 1860s and joined to the Amish Counties. The total population at that stage isn't recorded, but when asking Amish members they can tell they were only a few.  
As for they believes, they stay together and only marry their own kind, so for all this generations they managed to grow their community up to 250.000 people overall USA. The biggest community can be found here in Lancaster, PA, where their community expanded to 38.000 members at the moment. 
It doesn't seem that many of them, but they are actually growing at fast speed and double the population every 20 years, as in every house its an average of 9 kids given birth. Other families may have 15 kids at home or even more.
Can you imagine having so many children?
For this entry we would like to share with you a picture featuring a complete Amish family, so you can have a dimension of it, however due to their believes there are not many Amish willing to be portrated, so we found this clothes hunging outside an Amish house which surely can help you image how busy it can be!

We found this a very shocking due to our way of living, but this is actually very smart thing to do when you run a farm or a garden for your living. For more details on how they make their living please checkthe entry How they make their leaving

Hope this reading was interesting, as we said before, if you have any questions, please shout them our way!

Paloma, Antonio & Estef

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